Jeffrey Nguyen's Portfolio

HTML & CSS (Intro - Intermediate)

Anime Ranking

Page utilizing simple HTML to create a personalized listing of my favorite animes

Birthday Invite

As part of the 2023 Web Development Bootcamp with Dr. Angela Yu from the App Brewery, this website is the second installment of a 'mini-project' showcasing my gained knowledge of more HTML fundamentals. This page is where I "play" around with images and html lists.


Mini project utilizing basic CSS properties to beautify the page from abstract white design. This project focuses a lot on the CSS color scheme.

Iceburg Meme

Small project in recreating an internet meme utilizing CSS

Anime Forum

Part of the Appbrewery's web development course; utilizes simple media queries and flexbox positioning to create a landing page for an anime forum website.

Flexbox Pricing

Utilizing Flexbox properties to create price boxes as seen in marketing schemes online.

Mondrian Grid

Recreation of mondrian works using CSS (mainly showcasing practicality of CSS grids.)

Car Meet

Purely front-end developed launch page utilizing bootstrap components. This website was created in reference the App Brewery's (AB) "TinDog" as part of the web development crash course by AB.

Capstone Projects

Capstone #1: Resume

My first capstone project in HTML and CSS. This website is simply a resume of my schooling and experience in the field of Computer Science.

Capstone #2: Personal Site

My second capstone project in HTML and CSS. This is a personal website describing myself and aspirations.

Capstone #3: To Do List

My third capstone project in HTML and CSS. This site features a simple to use todo list in which the user inputs an entry and is able to cross off that entry. This was built with Express.js, Node.js, and utilized EJS.